Sunday, December 23, 2007

The new Audi R8 (V10) aka R10

My new car for 2009

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Singapore Kettlebells

Kettlebells have come a long way in Singapore. This past weekend saw the second seminar put on by Optimum Performance with Steve Cotter from the United States returning to teach is unique way of kettlebell training.

Steve Cotter, Ty Dewees, Peter Rouse & Alicia Fong

Some coaches in Singapore believe they can learn kettlebell training from a book or DVD, sorry to inform you but much of the material out there is wrong. Steve went into great depth in the truth about kettlebell training. I will be listed the individuals that have attended these seminars - check your coaches qualification before being lead down the wrong path.

As expected No Singaporeans attended - in fact all were Americans (technically one Mexican), one of the attendees came in from Thailand.

In the future I will be bringing out some other big names in the fitness industry but sorry guys these will only be available for Optimum Performance staff, clients and a few personally selected individuals.

Once again Optimum Performance is leading the industry in Singapore, not only with Singapore's first private strength & conditioning facility but also in the field of education and advacement.

For more updates on kettlebells go to the link below