Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Taking Charge of Your Own Health

If you are ready to make the change and take charge of your own health then I will show you some ways that you can vastly improve your health, starting with the digestive system.

There is an old saying “Death begins in the colon” this could not be more true.

“Poor digestion can do more than give you a stomach ache or gas because digestion is the mechanism that makes your body work…a clog in the works may be only the tip of the iceberg. Chronic fatigue, premature aging, arthritis, poor skin and hair quality, toxicity, allergies, cancer, and many other diseases can all result from faulty digestion because poor digestion interferes with nutrient breakdown, absorption and metabolism; allows toxins to remain in the body and accumulate; and over-stresses the body.” Dr. Anthony Cichoke

One of the most common digestive problems is low hydrochloric acid (HCl). hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach breaks up protein, the beginning of protein digestion, and kills microbes (bacteria), effectively sterilizing food. The ability to manufacture HCl diminishes with age.

To test HCl levels start by taking 200-250mg with a solid meal. Take the HCl after you have eaten at least several mouthfuls of the meal. Take note of any increase feeling of warmth in your stomach. If after taking 200-250mg of HCl you get this warm feeling then you may not need to supplement with HCL however perform the test with 2-3 meals first. Also remember the size of the meal will affect the test. A salad is not quite the same and meat and potatoes.

If after 200-250mg of HCL you do not get any increase feeling of warmth in your stomach then increase the dosage to 400-500mg of HCL with your next solid meal. Continue to increase the dose by 200-250mg at each subsequent meal until you can feel warmth in your stomach.

Warning: DO NOT EXCEED 1400mg of HCL.

Once you’ve determined the dose that produces a warm sensation, you now know that similar sized meals require a dosage of 200-250mg less than that which created the warm sensation. You have now determined how much acid your body should be producing on its own, but isn’t. (i.e. the dose that you take with every meal.) Smaller meals might require less and larger meals might require more. You should immediately notice changes like a decrease in bloating, belching, and less indigestion.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Truth is Out There

The world is not as it seems…. This may remind you of a scene from “The Matrix”, well it’s not far from that.

You are being manipulated and even brainwashed into believing lie after lie, to the point where anyone who speaks the truth is labelled a quack and is attacked on a personal level to bring down their character so that people will not believe what is being said.

People are just plain scared to face the truth and wake up out of this bad dream. They want to live in their perfect little world and go about their lives oblivious to what is really going on around them.

People ask the same question over and over, “why would they lie?” Simple…. MONEY, MONEY, MONEY.

The drug companies lie to you….

Food manufactures lie to you….

Insurance companies lie to you….

The medical profession lies to you….

Well this may be partly not all their fault as the medical profession has been lied to by the drug companies and manipulated into believing everything the drug companies says.

So who can you turn to for your health and well being?

There is only one person, YOURSELF.

It’s time to stop relying on others for your state of health and take things into your own hands. There is a vast supply of resources out there that you can use to help you take better care of your own health…. The problem is shifting through it all to find the truth.

Here are a few things to things about…

If raised LDL (high cholesterol) is responsible for CHD then why with all these cholesterol lowering drugs out there, CHD is increasing every year?

In the United States, 1 in 2 people will get cancer. Why is it, in an age where modern medicine is at most advanced, cancer is at the highest rate in the history of the human race?

Makes you wonder doesn’t it…..

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fitness Experts

When is a “Fitness Expert” regarded an expert?

Is it when the people they train see them in this light? If this was the case then almost everyone in the fitness industry is an expert.

Or is it when you peers and other legitimate “Fitness Experts” consider you an expert. This may be a more realistic method of categorizing someone an expert.

When looking at a small country like Singapore you can’t really call yourself an expert until you have left the shores and travelled to other countries where the standards are much higher. Then if there you find you peers and other “Fitness Experts” regard you as an expert then you can call yourself a fitness expert.

This does not mean that you require some advance degree but it does take a level of learning above some of these degrees. It also requires real world experience with a wide spectrum of the population as well as high level athletes.

It also takes variety in your “education”, drawing knowledge from as many sources as possible rather than just relying on just one or two schools of thought.

I think the last and one of the most important attributes is that you have contributed some original ideal to your field. It is fine to take on board ideas from other and use what you find useful but not till you have personally contributed something original back to the industry you cannot truly be called an expert.

We should all look at those calling themselves “Fitness Experts” and see if they really do meet the requirements that I have mentioned above.

One last note – someone calling THEMSELVES a “Fitness Exert” is probably not an expert because they would not have to say it themselves – others will be saying it for them, others I mean their peers and follow “Fitness Experts”.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Buyer Beware

Are you doing your best to eat healthy by choosing organic grass feed beef…… well beware that much of the organic grass feed beef available in the US have be feed grains. They can market the meat as grass feed as the animals have been grass feed up to the last month before slaughter then for the last month they fatten them up on grains.

Next time you go to get your organic grass feed beef ask your butcher whether it had been feed any grains before slaughter.

One sure why is to look for organic meat from New Zealand or Australia as they have very tough regulations on what the animals are feed. My preference of cause is New Zealand – but this is not just my loyal bias as I have turned others onto it and they can taste the difference and that it tastes much better.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Have you been to the movies lately?

I went to see Ironman yesterday (great movie by the way) and it got me thinking. It's no wonder people a fat - yes FAT! not overweight or one of these other PC terms they like to use. The truth is so many people are fat these days - I travel all around the world and no matter where I go it's always the same.

Back to the movies - in Singapore, USA and most other countries they don't allow you to take your own food into the cinema with you. The only option you have is the crap that they sell that makes McDonalds look good.

The movie theaters need to offer healthy options but there is only one way this is going to happen and that is if people stand up and make a stance against the crap they offer. One way to do this is to stop buying the junk they serve up. I personally just sneak my food in - there is no way in hell I would eat anything from the movies.

Bottom line - hit them where it hurts - their profit margin.....

Thursday, June 26, 2008

OPTS Seminar Date Changes

OPTS CPT & Level 1 dates have changed to September

OPTS-CPT: 19th - 24th September

OPTS-Level 1: 26th September - 3rd Oct

More information here

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The State of the Industry

I'm talking about the fitness industry of cause. It scares me to see what trainers are doing with their clients in the gym.

I know everyone comments on this - you hear it all the time how bad trainers are in xyz gym. Well it's not just xyz gym but almost all gyms.

I always assumed that all personal trainers get into this because they are passionate about it but I was so wrong otherwise we wouldn't be where we are today.

I can't imagine a day going by where I don't read, study something related to my field (which expands a little beyond personal training). It excites me to get some new materiel to read or watch or to go to a seminar or workshop. I will travel great distances just to do this. When I was living in Singapore I would travel to the US often just to go to a seminar and meet new people who are also passionate about the industry like myself.

I was lucky enough today to spend time with Alwyn Cosgrove at his place. I only had to drive 30 min drive from where I live now but I would have traveled from Singapore just to be able to talk to other like minded people. By the way if you are one of these trainers who are serious about personal training then get EVERYTHING Alwyn has put out. I have every book and DVD he has put out - you can't go wong.

There is a need for change in the industry - but regulation is not the answer as then it just becomes about money - this can be seen in Australia.

I offer a proposal to anyone anywhere in the world, if you are serious about making a change and changing the industry even if it's only in your own club or gym then email me at peter@optimumperformance - if you can convince me that you are serious then I have an offer for you - totally free so don't think this is some sales gimmick.

I like the quote "be the change you want to see in others" - let's make a change and let's start with ourselves.