Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Steve Cotter with some of the participants of the "Fundamentals of Kettlebell Training" Seminar 23-24th June 2007

Steve Cotter will be back in 2007

Steve Cotter will be returning latter this year for a second series of seminars - check back here for dates.

Seminars DVD's Now Available

DVD's are now available of the seminar - live raw footage so that you don't miss action. You can order directly from Optimum Performance

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Steve Cotter's
The Fundamentals of Kettlebell Lifting
June 23-24, 2007

What a weekend - with having Steve Cotter present for the first time in Aisa. The participants found out the hard way how much work can be achieved through kettlebell training.

Not all were personal trainers either. Just goes to show kettlebell training is starting to take off in Aisa.

We are already planning a second seminar will post the dates when we have finalized a date but will be looking around August.

For those who could not make it to the seminar there will be DVD's available within a week or two - you can pre-order at Optimum Performance