Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Deadlift

Check your form..... I have seen many coaches and personal trainers perform this exercise incorrectly and with very poor form. How are they expected to teach this exercise if they can not even perform it themselves.

Yet these individuals call themselves so call experts or gurus yet the lack the skills of a novice. I guess not all the blame can be placed on them and maybe they are just doing what they are taught (the blind leading the blind). Many of the personal training certification programs don't even teach the practical application of this exercise. My CPT program goes into great detail how to perform and teach these exercises correctly yet I never see these experts attending my courses and even my basic 2 hour workshops I sometimes put on in the weekends.

Key points that are often missed.

Head alignment:

Head should remain in neutral - Don't look up. When we say neutral spine we are talking about the entire spine including the cervical spine.


Neutral, hook grip should be used. Never use the mixed grip as this will place enormous stress through the thoracic and cervical spine. Never use straps.

These points are just 2 of about 50 key points that you need to look for.

If a picture is worth a thousand words then a video must be worth ten thousand words. Check out the video for the correct form (please ignore Chaar's voice over on the first video and my phone going off on the second - however appropriate song "you got to get it up").

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